Stranger: Nice to meet you. Me: Give it time

It is every creative soul’s greatest desire to share what they see with you.  To immerse you in it the way we are.  Some do this with writing, others doing it by painting, photography and other endless forms of art.  This is especially true in the fantasy genre, where things happen that could never be real in mundane life.

Fantasy to me is a safe place in my mind, a place where anything can happen.  Mind you, my stories rarely have happy or perfect endings, but there is an aspect of creating the world to my fancy that is thrilling to me.  I fuel this fire many ways, writing short stories, longer projects like novels, writing articles, painting, photography and my favorite, role playing games that test my creativity like table top d20 Dungeons and Dragons or d10 systems like World of Darkness.  My adventure so far has filled me to the brim with inspiration, and man am I anxious to share what’s inside my head.  Being a Game Master has allowed me to escort people to another realm and bring them to awe and wonder at the impressive (and sometimes downright quirky) details.  I want to not just do that to five or so people at at time, but the world as well.  You know that really sweet goosebumpy feel after you’ve had a brilliant idea or experienced something moving? I want to share that rush I get with everyone I can, like any good story can do.  I have brought people to tears (I brag about that a lot haha), I have made people laugh but best of all I have made people think.

I was told by my mother to do something that brings me joy with my life.  Well this is it.  You bring me joy by reading what I write, seeing it the way I see it, and being moved by what you see.  I love feedback, good and bad, as long as it is constructive (a professional way of saying easy on the hate, bro) and thrive on interaction with others of creative mind or had an opinion on what I’ve written.  The way I evaluate my work is by how people react.  I’ll take anything but “Meh, it was alright.” If I’ve made you feel, I’ve accomplished my goal.

All those wonderfully written words… it’s going to crumble down to crude wit and outright strangeness after a while, I just know it.  Please note that I am highly unpredictable, as are most writers, and I’ll be just as likely to post an article on the latest fantasy genre related thing out or a random name generator link as a webcomic that perfectly describes my mood (i read strange shit… cyanide and happiness if you care for a flavor).  Yes, I drop the F-bomb.  A lot.  Click that Twitter link, I dare you (you’ll find out just what kind of drugs I’m on!).  Sounded very classy a few paragraphs ago, didn’t it? I’ll quote one of my many characters (you’ll meet them all!) Y’lenn:

“I lied.”

featured image by Toonikun on Deviantart